Matters of Interest

Committee Meeting - Monday, 26th March 2018​

Monday, 26th March 2018 saw the last of the DCLGA's committee meetings. After 118 years we have merged with Devon Golf and will be working for all golfers in Devon. Of course, we will continue to represent the ladies and their interests, but golf is evolving and we, too, have to move with the times. 

The last committee meeting was convivial, a little tying up of loose ends, dealing with immediate tasks as we team up with Devon Golf and a nifty glass of Prosecco and some excellent cake - but not out of DCLGA expenses you understand! 

We may be known as Devon Golf from 1st April but we ladies are continuing to maintain our strong links with Divisional Representatives from north, east, south and west and keeping in close contact with Club Delegates. Each area is holding a Club Delegates' meeting and Wendy Stanbury and Yvonne Alford, Directors of the newly merged Devon Golf Ltd (DGL) will be there to talk about the future and how you ladies want things to happen.

North - Meeting to be arranged
East  - Monday, 23rd April - East Devon Golf Club - 11am
South - Friday, 27th April - Churston Golf Club - 10.30am
West - Thursday, 19th April - Thurlestone Golf Club - 10.30am

Devon Golf needs you! 
We need you to help with Course Rating, an interesting occasional job and we are looking for assistance. Please contact Philip Lee on - 01392 250099 or 07527 526896. 
Equally, referees are thin on the ground. You know, the people you don't notice when playing your County competitions but who are there when needed. If you think you have the skills (or would like to know more about becoming a referee), please contact Lesley Pascoe - - 01626 202792 or 07870700057.

So some things will change but slowly and for the better. The new Devon Golf website is underway but the current DCLGA site remains until the new one appears. 

Competition entries are unchanged on the DCLGA website but, on the new Devon Golf website it will be online entries only with the added option of being able to choose your own tee time. We are aware that there are a few who are not able to access a computer but no doubt there will be a friend at the club only too willing to help. Processing cheques is very time consuming and our Competitions' Secretaries Kate Field and Colleen Skornia have been stalwarts but the demands on their time are huge. We want to con them into staying in the role a bit longer........

From the 1st April the Blue Pages will no longer apply. We will be bound by the articles of Devon Golf (available on the new website). However, the Pink Pages (Competitions) and Advisory Notes for Captains (Yellow Pages) will still be relevant and will be on the new Devon Golf website.

Captain Chris Longden
& Chairman Liz Turner

The Last Committee Meeting at
Exeter Golf & County Club

INTER-COUNTIES' MATCH WEEK - St Enodoc - 2-6th July
Our first team will be defending Devon's honour at the Inter-Counties' Match Week (ICMW) at St Enodoc from 2-6th July. Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, Dorset, Wiltshire and Gloucestershire battle scratch and matchplay golf with the winning team going to the national final at Royal North Devon later in the year. Please come and support Devon and wear County blue if you can.

We may be known as Devon Golf from 1st April but we ladies are continuing to maintain our strong links with Divisional Representatives from north, east, south and west and keeping in close contact with Club Delegates. Each area is holding a Club Delegates' meeting and Wendy Stanbury and Yvonne Alford, Directors of the newly merged Devon Golf Ltd (DGL) will be there to talk about the future and how you ladies want things to happen.

North - Meeting to be arranged
East  - Monday, 23rd April - East Devon Golf Club - 11am
South - Friday, 27th April - Churston Golf Club - 10.30am
West - Thursday, 19th April - Thurlestone Golf Club - 10.30am

Please note any male member interested in Devon Golf are welcome to these meetings

Devon Golf needs you! 

We need you to help with Course Rating, an interesting occasional job and we are looking for assistance. Please contact Philip Lee on - 01392 250099 or 07527 526896. 

Equally, referees are thin on the ground. You know, the people you don't notice when playing your County competitions but who are there when needed. If you think you have the skills (or would like to know more about becoming a referee), please contact Lesley Pascoe - - 01626 202792 or 07870 700057.

Committee Meeting - Monday, 8th January 2018

County Competition Entry Forms
Would you please make sure that when posting County Competition Entry forms to the Competition Secretary that a stamp is on the envelope! Apparently some have been received without being stamped and to collect these from the Post Office costs time and money.

Doris Willes-Little Competition
Would your Club Competition Secretary make sure that the names of the qualifying players are sent to Rosie Burnham (County Interclub Matchplay Secretary - by the 1st March so that the draw can be made.

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
Clubs need to be aware of the new regulations which take effect from 25th May 2018.
More information is available on the England Golf website - click here

Committee Meeting - Monday, 8th January 2018

Annual General Meeting on Friday, 19th January 2018, 10.30am
The Duckworth Suite, Exeter Golf & Country Club 

All lady members of an affiliated Devon golf club are invited to this historically important AGM. The meeting is in The Duckworth Suite at Exeter Golf & Country Club on Friday, 19th January - starting at 10.30am.

All clubs have been sent the relevant information - agenda, resolutions and accounts - so please ensure that you bring this paperwork with you as it will not be provided again at the meeting. Your Ladies' Section Secretary will be able to provide you with this if you don't already have it.

The reason this meeting is so important is because every lady has the opportunity to vote on whether the Devon County Ladies' Golf Association (DCLGA) should merge with Devon Golf Ltd (DGL). You will no doubt be aware that we have spent 2017 holding various meetings with golf clubs, men's and ladies' sections and individuals to consult and inform all Devon golfers about the whys and wherefores of merging. The DCLGA Committee are in favour of a merger for many reasons and there are links below to various videos and information to show you what led this decision.

At the DCLGA Delegates' Meeting held in November 2017, clubs voted 31 in favour and only 2 clubs against. Under the current DCLGA constitution, the clubs' votes in favour of a merger means that it goes to the AGM to be voted upon by each individual lady golfer. It would be a strange thing if such an overwhelming favourable vote by clubs - all of whom were extensively consulted prior to voting -  was overturned at the AGM. However, that is our constitution and whether in favour of a merger or not, we urge you to use your vote and come to the AGM. 

The DGL will be holding a meeting at the same time as the DCLGA's AGM, to ensure that the votes from either DGL or DCLGA does not influence the other's outcome. The DGL voting system is the same as at our Delegates' Meeting and is 1 vote per club.

To ensure your vote is an informed vote, you can access the Frequently Asked Questions and links to the video presentations - click here

Open Posters - Distribution at the AGM
The AGM is the ideal opportunity to print and deliver your club's Open competition posters to each Devon club. In view of the extensive CONGU changes this year (handicaps up to 54), please ensure that the competition conditions are clearly written on your Open competition posters.    

Devon County Lady Veterans' Golf Association
​Annual General Meeting - Friday, 2nd February 2018 at 11am - Teignmouth Golf Club

Please note that the DCLVGA AGM is NOT going to he held immediately after the DCLGA AGM as it has been for many years. It will be held at Teignmouth Golf Club on 2nd February at 11am.

Committee Meeting - Friday, 17th November 2017

Delegates' Meeting - Voting Return
Please ensure that your club returns their vote either by email or post by 1st December 2017. Contact Lis Bacchus, Secretary, if you require further information -, 07553 734587

AGM - Friday, 19th January 2018
The AGM will be held on Friday, 19th January at 10.30am in The Duckworth Suite at Exeter Golf & Country Club. 

Secretaries' & Handicap Secretaries' Meeting
This will be held on Monday, 8th January in the Duckworth Suite at Exeter Golf & Country Club - 9.30am for 10am. 

County Competitions 2018
Click here
for a list of County Events 2018.

Box of Tricks
Information has been circulated to clubs regarding the Box of Tricks available from The Golf Foundation to support clubs with recruitment and retention of Juniors. Click here for further information. Please check with your Club's Junior Organiser and golf pro to ensure that they have received the information and registered interest.

​Workshops for the Box of Tricks will be held on:
Sunday, 3rd December 2017 at 9.30am-12.30pm at Fingle Glen Golf Club
Wednesday, 6th December 2017 at 1.30pm to 4.30pm at Fingle Glen Golf Club

Committee Meeting - Monday, 18th September 2017

Pink Pages Update
Please make sure that your club copy of the Pink Pages in the DCLGA County folder is updated with the information that went to clubs 24th August

Merger Meetings
The following meetings will be held for as many ladies and men as possible to attend, there will be information given and an opportunity to ask questions and express concerns over the proposed merger:

Tuesday 3rd October              Tiverton GC           6.30pm

Wednesday 4th October        Borringdon GC      6.30pm

Thursday 5th October             Stover GC              2.30pm

Wednesday October              Portmore GC         2.30pm

Delegates' Meeting
Please note the Delegates' Meeting will be held at Exeter Golf & Country Club on
Friday, 17th November at 11am.

Committee Meeting - Monday, 26th June 2017

Club Support Officer
Andrew Jack, Club Support Officer, was introduced to the meeting by Paul Cloke who is Regional Area Manager. Andrew 's role is to visit clubs and offer support in improving membership take up and retention, the emphasis being on all ages and not just at junior level. Andrew wants to work with Club Managers, boards, committees and club professionals to offer the widest and most comprehensive support possible. If you would like to speak to Andrew or Paul, they can be contacted on and Paul on

Inter-Club Competitions - Entry Form
The entry form is due to be sent and clubs are reminded that they must be returned to Rosie Burnham, Inter-Club Match Secretary, by 1st August.

England Golf South West Counties Junior Tournament
Exeter Golf & Country Club - Sunday, 23rd July to Tuesday, 25th July

It would be fantastic if you could come along to Exeter G&CC and support our County Juniors' Team.

Committee Meeting - Monday, 10th April 2017

England Golf Website
As well as this fabulous DCLGA website, don't forget that the England Golf website is a fantastic golf resource -

Inter Club Matchplay Results Sheets
Interclub Matchplay results sheets have been sent to clubs but if you require further copies 
click here

Rules Day - 27th April at Fingle Glen Golf Club
There was a resounding "Yes" at the AGM for another Rules Day but an underwhelming response. Please reply by 14th April if you would like to take advantage of this excellent day. Click here

Important Competition Information
With the re-introduction of caddies for Interclub Matchplay competitons, please ensure that all team members are aware of the spirit in which these games should be played. Guidance is available in the Advisory Notes for Captains (click here) and the Code of Conduct (click here).

We are in need of qualified referees for some of our competitions. If you have qualified referees in your club, or you have refereed for us in the past and would like to assist this season, please contact Rosie at

Open Competition Results
England Golf have requested that clubs running Open Competitions send results of the top five players or teams to their home clubs . This is to assist Handicap Secretaries build a fuller picture of a player's ability. This information cannot be used to issue an immediate handicap cut because of a good result in an Open Competition, but can be taken into consideration as part of the annual Handicap Review

South West Inter-Counties' Junior Tournament - Exeter G&CC - 23rd-25th July
This is a big few days for the County Juniors - all support will be appreciated

Committee Meeting - Monday, 20th February 2017

New for 2017 - DCLGA Seniors' Championship
Please encourage all ladies (aged 50+) at your club to enter the new DCLGA Seniors' Championship. It's an 18 hole strokeplay competition at Tavistock on Friday, 5th May. Entry can be made by clicking here.

Doris Willes-Little Competition
A reminder to all clubs to ensure that their nominations for the Doris Willes-Little Competition have been sent to Rosie Burnham, Inter-Club Matchplay Secretary. Rosie's email address is 

County Medal Finals
The first DCLGA competition of 2017 is the County Medal Finals on Monday, 24th April at RND Golf Club - entry can be made by clicking here.

County Fundraiser
The County Bowmaker Fundraiser is at Torquay Golf Club on Sunday, 30th April. Places are booking fast for this fun day - entry can be made by clicking here.

England Golf Ladies' Medal
Thanks to a new partnership between Bridgestone Tyres and England Golf, the EG Ladies' Medal will now be known as The Bridgestone Golf "Chase Your Dreams" Women's Trophy - more information is available on the England Golf website.

Committee Job Descriptions
Job descriptions are now all on this website - click here.

County Prize Money
This will be paid to clubs in March. Please note that as ladies' membership across the County is down, the money may be less than in previous years.

Delegates' Meetings 2017
Each Division will be holding the first of their 2 informal meetings throughout March and April. Yvonne Alford, DCLGA England Golf Representative, will be speaking and there will be an informal two-way discussion to air concerns and raise matters of interest - both locally and nationally. Two lady members from each club are invited to attend. Also, although for some clubs this may be one and the same person, your England Golf Representative is also invited to attend.

Your Favourite Course Pictures
The DCLGA press officer asks for photographs of your golf course to display on the website - please send to in jpeg format.

Committee Meeting - Monday, 9th January 2017

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Friday, 20th January 2017
Duckworth Suite, Exeter Golf & Country Club–10.30am

Every lady member of a Devon affiliated golf club is invited to the AGM at Exeter Golf & Country Club. This is an opportunity to say farewell to outgoing Committee members and officers and to hear about this year’s county golfing activities and plans for next year. Nominations for officers and committee members will be ratified at the AGM.

COUNTY MEDAL FINALS – Date Correction to Monday, 24th April
Please note that the entry form may show the wrong date – the correct date for this competition is Monday, 24th April at Royal North Devon GC.

County Championships – Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th May 2017

In 2017 the County Championships will be held on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th May at Tavistock Golf Club. The 36 hole qualifying competition will be held on Saturday 6th May. The first 4 scratch scores continue in match play for the Championship on Sunday 7th May and the next 4 scratch scores continue in matchplay for the Lloyd Williams Salver on Sunday 7th May.  The trophies and prizes for the 36 hole qualifying round will remain the same as will the trophies for the match play.
The change of format has been introduced to address the altering age demographic of Championship entrants enabling more working, student and school age golfers to compete.

Still Cup & President’s Trophy
The rule on playing a limited number of matches in both the Still Cup and President’s Trophy has been changed for ladies with a handicap of 10 or higher, allowing them to play unlimited matches for both competitions.

Doris Willes-Little Trophy Final
The final for the Doris Willes-Little Trophy will be played on County Finals Day.

2017 will see the introduction of a Seniors County Championship to be played on Friday 5th May at Tavistock Golf Club.  The format will be an 18 hole strokeplay competition with both scratch and handicap prizes.  The Senior County Champion will be the player who returns the lowest scratch score on the day.  This competition is open to all women aged 50 and over.
Please enter competitions online - Home page -

This will be paid to Clubs by the end of March.

If you have won as an individual or on behalf of your club, please return them at the AGM on Friday, 20th March. We are endeavouring to catalogue them for insurance purposes and ensure that they are all in good order.

We will be asking at the AGM if clubs would like a Rules Day this year. Please ask your ladies if they would be interested and we will have a show of hands at the AGM to help us to decide whether to run one in 2017.

After sterling service Gill Lang will be retiring at the 2018 AGM as Juniors’ Organiser, so a replacement is sought for then. 2018 might sound like a long time away but if you, or anyone you know, is interested in the position it would be good to shadow Gill throughout this year. For more information on what the job entails, Gill can be contacted on 01626 835408.


At the January Committee meeting County Captain Alison Hilton handed over a few goodies to outgoing Competitions’ Secretary, Tania Wickham, to say a big thank you to Tania for the 3 years of unswerving commitment in running DCLGA competitions. Tania is unable to be at the AGM and we couldn’t let her leave without her knowing how much her efforts were appreciated.

Also leaving committee at the AGM will be Mary Thompson and Wendy Stanbury (South Division Reps), although Wendy will remain on committee as Web & Press Officer. Long serving committee member Lorette Logie (West Division Rep) leaves, as do Pam St Ledger (Inter-Club Competitions’ Secretary) and County Captain Alison Hilton. The committee thanks them for their commitment and hard work.

We hope you find this a useful addition to the website  – part of our ongoing commitment to improve communication between your DCLGA committee our Devon lady golfers.