
Devon County Ladies Golf Association


Front row from L to R:
Sophie Brown, Lauren McGinnis (with trophy), Carys Morris  - all Devon Girls

Back row from L to R:
Jess Leach, Sophie Page, Rosie Lacey (3 x Devon Girls), Amanda Burchell, Laura Colman (2 x 2nd Team), Sally Tyler (Trophy presenter), Chris Longden (Ladies' County Captain), 
Anne Norman (Devon 2nd Team Captain - also player for today), Jo Donmall (CJO), Lorna Elliott, Helena Standen, Emily Morey (3 x 2nd Team)



The match for the Tyler Trophy was played on Sunday, 20th May at Dawlish Warren in dry, but regrettably overcast conditions. The Girls fielded a team of 6 players but, unfortunately, one of the 2nd Team Ladies was forced to pull out at the last minute (due to ill health) but Annie Norman (2nd Team Captain) stepped in to fill the breach.

The match was played in the best of good spirits. Devon Girls retained the Trophy by 4 games to 2, although there were some very hard fought games as well as some outstanding golf. Mrs Sally Tyler, who gave the Trophy in 2004, came along to make the presentation to Lauren McGinnis (Captain of the Day) on behalf of Devon Girls. She also briefly explained how she had been inspired to pursue her golfing career as a result of playing for Devon Girls, Devon 2nd Team and Devon Ladie's 1st Team. 



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